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Hemp has many gifts to offer, from the CBD-rich oils that we take daily, to its unparalleled application for sustainable fiber and construction materials. Perhaps less well-known is that it has a remarkable ability to clean the soil and water where it grows.
This means that hemp is a regenerative crop, excelling at a process known as phytoremediation, and helping to restore healthy ecosystems. Learn how hemp heals, from its strength and durability in daily materials and resources, to how it’s a valuable regenerative crop used today.
What is Hemp Phytoremediation?
The term “phytoremediation” refers to the process of using living plants to clean up soil, air, and water contaminated with hazardous contaminants. More specifically, hemp phytoremediation is an ecological process that harnesses the unique abilities of hemp to naturally remediate and rehabilitate surrounding contaminated soil.
This transformative process not only helps to cleanse the soil but also holds the potential to mitigate environmental damage caused by long-term industrial activities.
This environmentally conscious approach underscores the multifaceted prowess of the hemp plant, transcending its well-known association with cannabinoids and extending into the realm of ecological restoration.
The Process of Hemp Soil Remediation
Also known as a bioaccumulator, hemp heals and cleans the soil by absorbing toxins faster than can be released — including fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals, glyphosates, GMOs, and toxic solvents. Hemp soil remediation helps to store these toxins throughout its tissue.
While many shrubs are regenerative crops, hemp is exceptional because its long roots reach deep into the ground, removing widespread contamination more effectively than shallow-rooted shrubs. This promotes the process of hemp soil remediation, which effectively improves the quality of the ecosystem and living microorganisms around the hemp plant.
Plants such as hemp grown for the purpose of land remediation should never be harvested for food, clothing, or medicinal products due to the absorption and presence of these toxic compounds. However, there are other options for its use, such as hemp as a biofuel.
When hemp is turned into full spectrum CBD products, ALL present toxins get concentrated into the raw material that becomes oil, capsules, gummies, etc.
The Importance of Organic Hemp
“Organic” hemp has been grown or produced without the use of genetically modified organisms, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, or ionizing radiation. The term “USDA certified organic” means that a government-approved certifier has inspected the growing and processing conditions to ensure they meet official standards. The regulations for organic CBD and hemp also require:
- annual compliance inspections
- a strict list of approved materials
- documentation of organic practices
- guidelines for protecting the soil ecology and water quality.
For consumers concerned about this level of traceability in their food, certified organic provides that important assurance.
What Qualifies as Organic Hemp?
Hemp can be Certified Organic if it can be proven to have grown in soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Many producers claim “organically grown” or “produced using organic methods”, but just 6 months earlier that field could have grown another crop with harsh pesticides or synthetic chemicals applied. The hemp will suck up those toxins to help clean the soil and they will end up in your oil.
UESC Proudly Offering USDA Organic Hemp for Better Wellness
At Upstate Elevator Supply, we are clean cannabinoid crafters – providing quality, food-safe, and third-party lab-tested ingredients for precise dosing and efficacy. The Upstate Elevator USDA-Certified Organic Products line ensures that you are purchasing CBD products free of synthetic chemicals. We proudly assure you organic CBD capsules, gummies, and products that are cultivated, harvested, and processed without exposure to any toxic agents or additives. Guaranteed.