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5 Simple Ways to Help Reduce Stress and Fight Burnout
Here’s the scenario. You wake up, grab your phone, check your work email, send a few emails, watch a few (or 100) reels and before it’s 8am you can already feel your jaw clenching. Does this sound like you?
If it does, you’re not alone. It’s become all but expected of us to be productive the minute we gain consciousness in the morning, but as many of us have learned the hard way—this is not sustainable. To celebrate World Mental Health Day on October 10th, here are some ways to help slow down, reduce stress, fight burnout, and start your day off right!
Set intentions for your day
Sometimes it can feel like our to-do lists are endless. So before you start and end your day try creating a realistic to-do list. What do you think you can actually tackle today? Include meetings, time for lunch and personal tasks or goals you need to check off. Move anything that isn’t a priority to the next day’s list. It’s okay to not check everything off your list today. Take it one day at a time.
Practice daily gratitude
Stress can cause our minds to spiral and make us feel out of control. Realign your values and remind yourself what matters by practicing daily gratitude. Everyday write down 3 things or people you are grateful for and why. This can help to ground you and remind you who and what is important in your life.
Make time to move
It’s no secret that exercise helps both our body and mind. Start your day with a walk or spend 5 minutes stretching. Heck, rolling around on the floor with your dog or cat counts in our book! If you have to, build it into your calendar. Making the time is the first step.
Make plans + be social
Make time for life outside of work. Make dinner or breakfast plans with friends. Go for a hike after work, or book a yoga class. For those of us who work remotely or hybrid it can be difficult to mark an official end to the day when we can fully disconnect. So decide on what the end of your day looks like so you can make recharging and unwinding a priority. On the flip side, if recharging for you is spending an hour alone. Make time for that too!
Get some sleep
Sleep is essential. Full stop. And while we all know that, that doesn’t mean we all get the recommended 7-8 hours of shut eye. So make a plan! Identify what is stopping you from getting enough sleep and start to take small steps. Even if you only get into bed 10 minutes earlier than the night before, that’s 100% a win!
While many aspects of our lives are out of our control, you do have control over changing your routine and starting new habits.
If one of those changes in your routine is wanting to add CBD to the mix to help fight burnout, schedule a free CBD consultation with our Director of Education today!