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Tag Clean CBD
Is Delta 9 Natural or Synthetic?
At Upstate Elevator, we’re dedicated to bringing the cleanest, and most innovative hemp-based wellness products to your day-to-day life. However, we understand the essence and compounds of hemp are more than just “CBD.” Upstate Elevator’s new line of Delta 9…
What is CBD? A Guide for the Curious
At Upstate Elevator Supply Company, we understand there is an enormous amount of information circulating around CBD (cannabidiol) oil (also known as hemp oil, but not to be confused with hemp seed oil) and its benefits. It’s a lot to…
Wondering If Full Spectrum CBD Is For You?
The Benefits of Ethanol Extraction for CBD
How to Choose a High-Quality CBD Product
Upstate Opens CBD-focused Manufacturing Facility in Burlington, Vermont
April was a busy month for Upstate, as we moved into our brand new manufacturing facility in Burlington. And it’s not just new, it’s special: this is Vermont’s first FDA Registered, cGMP Certified CBD manufacturing facility. What does that mean?…
How CBD is Extracted from Hemp
Extraction is the process CBD makers use to remove the good stuff from the industrial hemp plant. In this primer, we give a high-level overview of the most common methods for extraction, what they’re known for, and why they’re used.…
Introducing the First USDA Certified Organic Full Spectrum CBD Capsule!
Today we’re excited to announce that we have developed the first ever USDA Certified Organic Full Spectrum CBD Capsules. Created with 100% organic ingredients and processing methods, these innovative capsules are not only fully compliant with USDA Organic requirements, but…
Center for Food Safety Recognizes Upstate Elevator Supply Co. with Top Rating on Hemp CBD Scorecard
The team here at Upstate Elevator got some great news this week! We’re excited to report that our company received an A, the highest grade possible, from the Center for Food Safety (CFS) on its March 2020 Hemp CBD Scorecard.…
Upstate Elevator Supply Joins the American Herbal Products Association
Upstate Elevator Supply Co. is proud to announce that the company is now an Active Member of the American Herbal Products Association. Founded in 1982, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) is the national trade association and voice of the…